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Essential Addendum to Your Pocket Indonesian-English Dictionary

Essential Addendum to Your Pocket Indonesian-English Dictionary

Essential Addendum to Your Pocket Indonesian-English DictionaryThree letter words/sounds you’ll never find in any Indonesian Dictionary.

Usage: As emphasis, urging the listener to believe what is being said.
Definition: I am telling you; this is certainly the case.
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Kangen deh.” Translation: “I miss you, really I do.”

Usage: As emphasis, as to solicit the agreement of another, usually in the form of a question.
Definition: Is that right? Is that correct?
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Begitu kan?”Translation: “That’s the way it is, right?”

Usage: With inflection, added to make any phrase a question.
Definition: An audible question mark.
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Lapar kah?” Translation: “Are you hungry?”

Usage: Expression of disbelief or surprise.
Definition: English equivalent does not exist. The closest thing we can come up with is ‘What?’
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Kok bisa?”Translation: “How can that be?”

Usage: An ad-hoc suffix to indicate a loss for words and therefore the substitution of another.
Definition: Kind of; sort of.
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Ya, mereka lagi fighting lah.”Translation: “Yeah, they’re fighting.”

Usage: A sound used to take offense or confusion at something.
Definition: I’m offended; I’m confused.
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Loh, tidak boleh omong begitu.” Translation: “Hey I’m offended, you can’t say that.”

Usage: A sound used as a conjunction when making a case in an argument (often by politicians and bureaucrats) when the speaker assumes to close the argument with a trump card or spike, if you will.
Definition:  Therefore
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Karena begitu, dan karena alasan-alasan yang tersebut tadi, nah, oleh sebab itu…”Translation: “Because of that, and because of the aforementioned reasons, therefore…”

Usage: An expression of disbelief when seeking information from another.
Definition: The hell
Commonly encountered in phrase: “’Gimana, sih?”Translation: “How the hell?”
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Siapa, sih?” Translation: “Who the hell?”
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Apa, sih?” Translation: “What the hell?”

Usage: In conjunction with an adjective to express irony in the form of an insult.
Definition:  You think you’re so…
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Sok pintar!”Translation: “Smarty pants!”
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Sok kaya!” Translation: “You think you’re so rich!”

Usage: After a phrase, to express emphasis about what should be obvious to another.
Definition: Duh
Commonly encountered in phrase: “Ya, pasti, toh!” Translation: “Yes, of course, duh!”

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